Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June's Meeting Minutes


1.   Board members present:  Robyn Baird, Scott Robertson and Doug Nicolls
7 homeowners were in attendance.

2.   Joe welcomed the board members.

3.   Minutes of the May 8th HOA meeting were read and approved.

4.   The Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Bank Deposits, Cash Distributions and Aged Receivables were presented and unanimously approved by the board.

 5.  Steven Snead, of Idaho Landscape LLC and homeowner, Tyler Compton, reviewed the standing water problem and they both will look at the property and determine the best course of action to eliminate the problem.

6.   It was decided that no bark would be put down along the paths this year, but it will be budgeted for next year.

7.   Idaho Landscaping’s proposal of $10,530 for new plantings was reviewed and approved.

8.   Robyn will search for the old tree planting instructions for homeowners and send them to all homeowners.

9.   Joe is to get bids for staining the arch at the entrance to the subdivision and the small buildings.

10. The 4th of July Party is on schedule and Social Committee is looking into having a joint activity with the Meridian Fire Department in August.

11. Board members were asked to tell homeowners to go to the Snake River web site rather than referring them to Scott.

12. The board approved the Violation Status Report.

13. The Board approved the installation of a security camera at the pool.

14. Joe will take care of getting the stripes painted on the pool parking lot.

15. Next HOA meeting will be held on July 10th in the pool area.