Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Lights Winners

We have the winners!! Pictures to come .... First off I want to thank EVERYONE! Christmas lights look great this year!!! 1st - 649 Senita Canyon Paul Robertson $100 2nd - 891 Silver Torch Lorry Caldwell $75 3rd - 605 Joshua Tree Stoney Tuckness $50 Thanks again for making our subdivision look so fantastic!
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mark your calendars

The next scheduled Monthly HOA Board Meeting is Tuesday Jan. 15th, 2013 @ Heritage Middle School. It starts at 6pm. Also, on Thursday the 17th, 2013 is our Annual SC Neighborhood Meeting. It is also at Heritage Middle School @ 7pm. If you can not make it to this meeting please send a proxy.

Monday, November 26, 2012

November's Meeting Minutes

HOA minutes from Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Joe and all members were present with the exception of Doug This was a rather fast and short meeting. Last month’s minutes were approved. Financial reports were shared by Joe. He also shared income statements, deposits, cash disbursements, and receivables. Income statement: We are ahead by $15,317.00. We discussed the violation report. 28 homes were sent letters about tree problems. Committee Reports: Landscape: Red Horse growth has been cut down. Grasses will not be removed. Winterizing has been completed. Pool: The cost of running the pool has gone up. Better quality chemicals have been used and great results of water clarity were accomplished. Social: The Halloween contest went well. We will not have a board meeting in December. Robyn would like help judging the Christmas decoration contest. She will e-mail us with that. A discussion took place about board members on other HOAs in the areas do not have to pay annual dues. We agreed that this would not be a good idea for us. New Business: Joe has put out for landscaping bids for next year. The 2013 budget was approved. Christmas lights will be installed for the common areas after Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

HOA monthly board meeting

Tuesday November 13th, 2012 @ 6pm at Heritage Middle School

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Decorating Contest Winners

We have our winners!! Congrats to the following: 1st Place - Steven Shideler @ 611 San Pedro $100 2nd Place - Adam Roll @ 801 Yucca Canyon $75 3rd Place - Jim Crane @ 5442 Red Hills $50 Thank you EVERYONE for your participation and votes!!

Monday, October 29, 2012


A 10 year old boy went missing early this afternoon from our subdivision. Please be on the lookout for him. Please check your yards ... more info to come!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October meeting minutes

SAGUARO CANYON HOA BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday October 9th, 2012 Roll Call – Scott, Doug, Mike & Robyn were in attendance Leah Bechtel presented what she has learned from ACHD. It will take 3-4 years but plans are intact to put flashers on the crosswalk of McMillan & Red Horse. We also talked about moving the east/west crosswalk out to in the street and not the entrance of the subdivision. The HOA board will write a letter to ACHD requesting this issue along with possibly reducing the speed limit. Approval of last meetings minutes by the board Joe went over the financial report. We have $75,700 in our reserve money market account, $105,400 & $25,200 in CD’s and $15,900 in accounts receivable. Total current assets are $370,200. Financials were approved by the board. Doug w/ Landscaping committee went over the trimming and pruning of the center islands. They have to stay under 3 ft. We will be looking into possibly putting new landscaping in the islands that are slow growing for next year. Snake River will be doing a drive thru the sub noting any maple trees that are dead and need replacing and notifying the home owner. The bark for the playgrounds will be replaced in the spring. The board will look into adding a few more trees along the berm on McMillan and putting that into the budget for next year. Robyn w/ social went over newsletter that was sent out. Noting the dates for the judging for the decorating contests. Scott w/ ACC committee mentioned everything is up to date at this point in time. Pool has been winterized and his locked up for the winter season Mike w/ neighborhood watch has about ½ of the households on the watch. We have stickers for those that don’t have them. Please contact Mike. We had a vandalism happen on Ocelot a few days ago to a homeowners truck. Rocks were thrown at it breaking the window. Old Business: The petition is still active for speed humps. We installed 4 slow down signs throughout the sub. The French drain issues are in process of being repaired The board voted on no more commercial signs in the front of the sub The North end feature vote is tallied. The final votes are 109 in favor of a pool & 81 leave as is. We have approached BHH in asking for $50,000 in help with the pool costs. They are looking into it at this time. Joe put together a budget rough draft for budget for 2013 with the cost of both pools. At this time we would not have any dues increase with the additional pool. Our next plan is to send the plans to the architect. New Business: It has been suggested to have a monument of some sort in the back entrance of the sub stating that you are entering Saguaro Canyon. We don’t have any common area in the back so we may have to look into what we can do a little further. We will be getting a couple of new landscaping bids to make sure the current landscaping bid from Idaho Landscaping is the best we can get. The next board meeting will be November 13th. Meeting adjourned

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Water Shut Off

The water shut off date is scheduled for October 10th, 2012 according to Settlers Irrigation.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monthly HOA Meeting

Our monthly HOA Board meeting is October 9th, 2012 @ 6pm. We meet at Heritage Middle School in the drama room. If you have anything you'd like to discuss please call or email Joe @ Snake River HOA.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September's HOA's meeting minutes

HOA minutes from Tuesday, September 10th Joe and all members were present with the exception of Doug This was a rather fast and short meeting. We were having several people arrive as they were coming mainly for the 7:30 meeting discussing the north end common area. I estimated about 75 people in attendance by 7:30. Last month’s minutes were approved. Financial reports were shared by Joe. Joe shared that new money markets accounts were established. He also shared income statements, deposits, cash disbursements, and receivables. We discussed the violation report. Committee Reports: Landscape: We are waiting for the weather and irrigation to stop before we install the new French drains at the Compton’s and the property behind Ocelot. Pool: Pool will stay open until October 1rst. Dan's number has been posted at the pool so we have the ability to call for human waste, etc found in pool. This has been working well. The underwater lights have made the pool an extra special place in the evening. Mike: Neighborhood Watch signs have been posted. We are going to put up signs that state a 20 mph speed and a reminder that children are out playing. The playground has been fixed, and Joe is waiting for an additional bid on bark. October 9th will be our next meeting.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Neighborhood Garage Sale

Join us for our neighborhood garage sale October 6th from 8am-2pm!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Monthly HOA Board Meeting

Board meeting tonight August 14th at 6pm. It will be located at the pool. Anyone is welcome to come.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

National Night Out

Join us Tuesday August 7th, 2012 for National Night Out. It is at the pool from 7pm till 9pm. This event is for everyone. Please spread the word.

Monday, July 2, 2012

4th of July PARTY!

DON'T FORGET .... our 4th of July party Wednesday morning from 10am-1pm. Bring your bikes (decorated), swimsuits & side dish or dessert. Everything else will be provided. See you all there!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June's Meeting Minutes


1.   Board members present:  Robyn Baird, Scott Robertson and Doug Nicolls
7 homeowners were in attendance.

2.   Joe welcomed the board members.

3.   Minutes of the May 8th HOA meeting were read and approved.

4.   The Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Bank Deposits, Cash Distributions and Aged Receivables were presented and unanimously approved by the board.

 5.  Steven Snead, of Idaho Landscape LLC and homeowner, Tyler Compton, reviewed the standing water problem and they both will look at the property and determine the best course of action to eliminate the problem.

6.   It was decided that no bark would be put down along the paths this year, but it will be budgeted for next year.

7.   Idaho Landscaping’s proposal of $10,530 for new plantings was reviewed and approved.

8.   Robyn will search for the old tree planting instructions for homeowners and send them to all homeowners.

9.   Joe is to get bids for staining the arch at the entrance to the subdivision and the small buildings.

10. The 4th of July Party is on schedule and Social Committee is looking into having a joint activity with the Meridian Fire Department in August.

11. Board members were asked to tell homeowners to go to the Snake River web site rather than referring them to Scott.

12. The board approved the Violation Status Report.

13. The Board approved the installation of a security camera at the pool.

14. Joe will take care of getting the stripes painted on the pool parking lot.

15. Next HOA meeting will be held on July 10th in the pool area.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pool Rules ... Please read and go over with your family

1. Respect other people
2. Pool hours are from 8am to 10pm. Adult only swim from 6am to 8am.
3. Children under the age of 13 shall not use the pool w/out an adult present
4. No diving, running, pushing or shoving
5. No pets
6. No glass
7. No Smoking
8. Proper swimming attire is required
9. Diapers are not allowed w/ the exception of swim diapers
10. Food and beverages must be kept away from the water
11. Pick up after yourself
12. Guests are limited to 6 per household
13. The pool is exclusively for the use of homeowners in good   standing and their guests. Guests must be accompanied by the homeowner. Homeowner’s who have not paid their dues cannot be the guest of another homeowner.
14. The pool gate MUST remained closed
15. Any person known to be, or suspected of being afflicted w/ an infectious disease, suffering from a cough, cold, sores or wearing bandages shall be excluded from using the pool facilities unless they provide a written statement from a Doctor. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May's HOA Board Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2012
Joe welcomed.  Board members in attendance: Robyn Baird, Jock Summers, and Scott Robertson
12 homeowners in attendance
Joe shared: Financial reports, income statement, bank deposits, cash disbursements, aged receivables, and that we saved $4,00 on our irrigation assessment.
Committee reports:
Landscape:  Doug was not present.  He e-mailed that islands are being updated, and that pots will be planted.
Social:  Pooling opening party is scheduled for June 3rd.  $500 has been approved to fund the event.  Mike will plan the July 4th party.  The garage sale was very successful.
Architectural:   Scott reported that the one application has been taken care of.  Fences on unbuilt lots will not be stained by the HOA.  Letters will go out to owners that do not have fences stained.  Empty lots must be cut down by the 9th.
Joe will drive through the subdivision and look for violations.  We will place battery timers on unoccupied homes.
Pool:  The new rules for pool were reviewed and approved.  They will be posted in the pool.  The pool will open on May 19th.  New underwater lights have been installed.  The lights will be set for 8:30 p.m. and go off at midnight.  New lounge chairs have been ordered.  The pool has been acid washed, tile had been fixed, and new sand has been placed in filters.  Dan has done a great job for us!
Votes have come in for the common area in the north side.
145 responses
55 = new pool
45 = nothing
28 = sport complex
18 = clubhouse
Traffic counters will be placed by ACHD.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


All of you should have received a voting ballot on what amenity you would like to see be built in the common area at Segundo & Red Hills. This will not increase our dues by any means. Please be sure to fill out the ballot and return to Joe at Snake River by May 8th. Thanks everyone for your input!!
Voting on another pool - Pool would be similar to what we have only no toddler wadding area. More of a lap pool.

Clubhouse - Would include kitchen area, lounging area & some gym equipment. It would also be available for renting out.

Sport court - Tennis and basketball area with park benches.

Leave as is

Dues will NOT increase with whatever amenity is chosen. However, depending on what is chosen there MAY not be an option to get a $100 discount. This is not certain ... just a possibility. For more info please feel free to come to the HOA meeting on the 8th at Heritage Middle School in the drama room. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stinger Airplane

I’m David Land, I live on San Pedro St.  About a month ago I found a remote control airplane in my yard. 
It may have flown in recently or been on my roof for months and the wind blew it down, I don’t know.
It is a twin engine Stinger airplane.  It seems to be in good shape except that the front wheel is missing.
It isn’t a very expensive one, it has no controllable flaps, etc.

Please let me know if you are missing this plane so I can give you David's contact info.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April's HOA minutes

April 10, 2012
Joe welcomed.  Board members in attendance: Jock Summers, Doug Nicolls, Scott Robertson, Robyn Baird, and Mike Rich.
We approved the rocks to be laid down in the front area.
Financial reports were shared by Joe.  Our total liabilities and capitol = $475,886.98
Irrigation tax went down by over $4,000.  Joe shared deposits of $41,193.
Amount disbursed = $73,617.17
Joe shared aged receivables over 90 days at $18,196.69
Committee reports:
Doug: We are in the process of looking at what trees and other plants need to be replaced or added. 
Robyn:  Easter egg hunt was great!  June 3rd is the date for the pool party season kick off.  Jock will help plan this event.
Scott:  He will investigate what potential problem we might have in relation to what has happened at Bristol Heights  Review violation report.
Jock:  The pool will open on May 19th.  The pool will be drained.  The board voted to approve spending $1,700 on pool repairs.  Joe will buy 10 new long lounge chairs for the pool.  The pool gate will be fixed with a new magnetic lock. 
North end feature:
Robyn will mail out ballots for home owners to vote for:
Club House at about $180,000; structure only.
New pool at about $150,000
Sport Court ?
Vandalism:  A number of complaints keep coming in.
Mike volunteered to start the neighbor watch program the way it is intended to be started.  We will invite a Meridian police officer in to get it started the way it is meant to be implemented.
Joe will contact ACHD to look into our need as far as possible speed bumps are concerned.
Joe will let Boise Hunter know that their front sign and the sign by the pool will need to be removed.
Fence staining issues will be delayed.
Batteries will be put on sprinklers of vacant homes.
We will not provide Wi Fi at the pool.
Scott will let us know about the “Next Door Program”.

May 8th is our next meeting.