Thursday, January 13, 2011

Notes from Annual HOA Meeting

On Tuesday night we had our Annual HOA Meeting. We did not have enough for a quorum. For our subdivision we need 125 people to attend. We only had 59 show up. So we did a popular vote for the board members and then Brad Hom & Eric Rawlings vote in the board members. The new HOA board is as follows:
President/Neighborhood Watch - Brad Hom
Treasurer/Landscaping - Eric Rawlings
Newsletter/Social Committee - Robyn Baird
Social/Pool Committee - Doug Nicolls
ACC Committee - Scott Robertson

We discuss the budget for this new year. Currently we had a cash flow of $200,000. This year we are offering a discount on the HOA dues. If you pay before March 1st it will only be $540 instead of the standard $640. You also have the option of paying in 2 installments of $350.
I'm excited to work with Doug and Scott. They are both excellent additions to our board. I would like to put more activities together this year as part of the social committee. My goal is to make our subdivision a 'tight' neighborhood. Where we can enjoy each others company and a place to feel safe for our children. Getting to know each other is the best way of doing this. I would like to have a couple of BBQ's this year around the pool area. We will also be doing 2 garage sales this year. One in the spring and another the end of summer/fall. We will also have decorating contests for Halloween & Christmas. If you have any suggestions that you would like to see this year, please feel free to comment or email me at


  1. Great to see the notes! Are invoices going to be sent out with the early payment option? First full year for me so not sure when dues typically are sent out/due by.

  2. Adam,
    Invoices are mailed out in March. I would imagine they would be, but double check with Joe @ Snake River 855-0505.

  3. Thanks! So happy to see the decrease in dues! Yay!
